General Motors (GM), the leading automotive company in the U.S., and Hyundai Motor Company are emba…
[2024-09-13]Korean comprehensive construction company Bando Construction has set a new milestone in the U.S. ho…
[2024-09-13]In the 3rd Korean Daily Amateur Photography Contest, Younghee (Clara) Kim (Virginia) won the Grand …
[2024-09-13]The population of Koreans in the U.S. reached 2,023,517 (including mixed-race individuals) as of 20…
[2024-09-13]The prestigious “Korea Times Business Directory 2024-25 Edition,” known for its top circulation and…
[2024-09-12]The second antitrust lawsuit against Google, the world’s largest search engine, by the federal gove…
[2024-09-12]Ahead of the Chuseok holiday on September 17, Korean banks in Southern California have begun offeri…
[2024-09-12]The largest energy exhibition in North America, ‘RE+ (Renewable Energy Plus) 2024,’ is being held a…
[2024-09-12]Although consumers are optimistic that inflation will ease, concerns about jobs and household debt …
[2024-09-11]After a period of record highs, U.S. stock market investors have experienced significant volatility…
[2024-09-11]The rising prices of both new and used cars in the U.S. have made owning a vehicle an enormous fina…
[2024-09-11]The median price of single-family homes in California continued to rise in July, though the slight …
[2024-09-10]The forecast for international oil prices continues to decline, bringing good news for drivers. On …
[2024-09-10]David Lee, the Chinese-American CEO of ‘Hing Wa Lee Jewelers,’ one of the largest jewelers in South…
[2024-09-10]Recently, Mr. Kim, a Korean-American who was driving with his child in LA’s Koreatown, narrowly avo…
[2024-09-10]Complaints are pouring in from some customers whose financial services have been interrupted due to…
[2024-09-09]Temperatures have soared into triple digits across Southern California, including the valleys, inla…
[2024-09-09]As the 2024 U.S. presidential election approaches, a notable trend is emerging within the Korean-Am…
[2024-09-09]As the labor market experiences a significant slowdown, with employment decreasing and unemployment…
[2024-09-09]As residential and business burglaries have been on the rise throughout Southern California, a new …
[2024-09-06]뉴욕총영사와 면담에서도 구체적 시행 시기는 언급안해뉴저지 포트리 타운정부가 빅토리아 이씨 경찰 총격 사망 사건과 관련해 재발 방치 대책을 약속…
버지니아 한인인구가 전년 대비 소폭 감소했다.연방센서스국이 12일 발표한 2023년 아메리칸 커뮤니티 서베이(ACS)에 따르면 버지니아 한인인…
2023년 현재 미 전국의 한인 인구수가 총 202만3,517명(혼혈 포함)으로 나타났다. 지난 2020년 공식 센서스 당시 198만9,519…