저는 미국 주류 교육계에서 일하고 있지만 가끔 주말 한글 학교 교사나 교장들의 연수에 강사로 초대받아왔습니다. 미국에 사는 한국인 학부모들이 자녀들에게 한국 문화와 한국어를 가…
[2001-05-07]By K. W. Lee I can’t believe what I am seeing lately. It’s unreal, - the way LA Koreatown beha…
[2001-05-07]SEOUL - Seoul strongly denounced Tokyo at a U.N. human rights conference in Geneva, April 9, for au…
[2001-05-07]"As you know, Dr. Choi, no one can quite understand what I go through every day," Soon Nim started,…
[2001-05-07]By Seo Soo-min Staff Reporter SEOUL - A delegation of pro-Pyongyang ethnic Koreans in Japan wil…
[2001-05-07]SEOUL - Korea’s shipbuilding industry has been enjoying a heyday, due to rising price competitivene…
[2001-05-07]By Jeffrey Miller Feature Writer SEOUL - For anyone, who has ever played or loved the game, it’…
[2001-05-07]SEOUL - The Seoul District Court April 5 decided to force Albert McFarland, vice-chief of a mortuar…
[2001-05-07]By Ellen Thun Copyright 2001 The Census Bureau released its Year 2000 report. Asians in Califo…
[2001-05-07]California Asian Pacific Islander American community is the state’s fastest-growing racial/ethnic g…
[2001-05-07]By Soh Ji-young Staff Reporter SEOUL - Koreans are venting their anger over the Japanese govern…
[2001-05-07]I have really just one thing to say, and that is "Thank you;" thank you, for your friendship all th…
[2001-05-07]By So Yun Kim Most Korean parents dream of their children going to Harvard and becoming a doctor…
[2001-05-07]By Soh Ji-young Staff Reporter SEOUL - More than 40 civic groups April 9 formed an alliance to …
[2001-05-07]By Helan B. Park Recently, a young man stabbed a sixty-six year old woman to death. The suspect…
[2001-05-07]SEOUL - Vice ministerial-level talks between Korea and Russia took place April 9 at the KOTRA on fu…
[2001-05-07]SEOUL - Samsung Electronics ranked sixth in the global cell phone market last year with a 5 percent…
[2001-05-07]Monte Carlo (AP)-Kim Un-yong formally entered the race on April 3 to become president of the Intern…
[2001-05-07]By Chelsea J. Carter SANTA ANA, (AP)-A Southern California judge has ordered the son and daught…
[2001-05-07]By Ahn Jung-hyo Poor thing, said Mr. Han Si-min, the owner of a video parlor in my neighborhood…
[2001-05-07]3-K 보육 예산이 크게 삭감된 뉴욕시 ‘2026 회계연도’ 예산안이 발표되면서 어린자녀를 두고 있는 학부모들의 우려가 커지고 있다.에릭 아담…
버지니아와 메릴랜드를 비롯해 전국 40개가 넘는 주에서 대규모 아파트를 소유 또는 관리하는 소위 ‘전국구’ 건물주들과 이들 업체들이 사용해온 …
도널드 트럼프 대통령이 20일 공식 취임과 함께 집권 2기 시대를 선포한 뒤 곧바로 백악관 홈페이지에는 그의 6대 우선 정책 의제가 선포됐다.…